Step 1.1 - Enter your email address (username@domain.tld)
Step 1.2 - If you used to feed FR24 with ADS-B data before, enter your sharing key.
If you don't remember your sharing key, you can find it in your account on the website under "My data sharing".
We have detected that you already have a dump1090 instance running. We can therefore automatically configure the FR24 feeder to use the existing receiver configuration, or you can manually configure all the parameters.
Would you like to use autoconfig (*yes*/no)$:yes
IMPORTANT: For MLAT calculations the antenna's location should be entered very precise!
Step 3.A - Enter antenna's latitude (DD.DDDD)
Step 3.B - Enter antenna's longitude (DDD.DDDD)
Step 3.C - Enter antenna's altitude above the sea level (in feet)
Using latitude: AA.AAAA, longitude:BBB.BBBB, altitude: 36ft above sea level
Validating email/location information...OK
The closest airport found is ICAO:RJFU IATA:NGS near Nagasaki.
Latitude: 32.916939
Longitude: 129.913605
Country: Japan
Flightradar24 may, if needed, use your email address to contact you regarding your data feed.
Would you like to continue using these settings?
Enter your choice (yes/no)$:yes
Step 4.1 - Receiver selection (in order to run MLAT please use DVB-T stick with dump1090 utility bundled with fr24feed):
1 - DVBT Stick (USB)
2 - SBS1/SBS1er (USB/Network)
3 - SBS3 (USB/Network)
4 - ModeS Beast (USB/Network)
5 - AVR Compatible (DVBT over network, etc)
6 - microADSB (USB/Network)
Enter your receiver type (1-6)$:
Step 4.3 - Enter your additional dump1090 arguments or leave empty
Step 5.1 - Would you like to enable RAW data feed on port 30002 (yes/*no*)$:yes
Step 5.2 - Would you like to enable Basestation data feed on port 30003 (yes/no)$:yes
Congratulations! You are now registered and ready to share ADS-B data with Flightradar24.
+ Your sharing key (hogehoge) has been configured and emailed to you for backup purposes.
+ Your radar id is T-RJFU45, please include it in all email communication with us.
+ Please make sure to start sharing data within one month from now as otherwise your ID/KEY will be deleted.
Thank you for supporting Flightradar24! We hope that you will enjoy our Premium services that will be available to you when you become an active feeder.
To start sending data now please start the fr24feed daemon again by running the following command: sudo systemctl start fr24feed!
Saving settings to /etc/fr24feed.ini...OK
Settings saved, attempting to enable and start the fr24feed service
Restarted fr24feed service...OK
All done, you can check the status by using the fr24feed-status command